I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M Date: 03-Mar-1992 10:44am EST From: Corinne H. Smith CHSMITH Dept: Audio Visual Services Tel No: (814) 863-3104 TO: Remote Addressee ( _IN%SCREEN-L@UA1VM ) Subject: RE: Sitcom videos I agree with PGIORDANO. From all that I have read, the FBI considers it to be technically illegal to videotape a television broadcast AND LOAN THE TAPE TO SOMEONE ELSE. You can tape away to your heart's content for your own enjoyment and for the entertainment of a circle of friends in your own home. But you can't start your own "lending library," even if you don't charge for it. The FBI is concentrating on schools and institutions right now. Who knows if/when they'll get around to Joe Homeowner? Corinne Smith Penn State Audio-Visual Services [log in to unmask]