Sandra's observation about the frescos in the DeKalb movie house resonates to
my experience with extant theater buildings put to other uses.  Once
you pull out the seats, a theater auditorium makes a great warehouse -- wide
unobstructed spaces with high ceilings.  However, there's no reason to mess
with the walls; one doesn't spend money painting the walls of a warehouse.
Depending of what is being stored, there's a pretty good chance that the
murals will remain, more-or-less untouched.  Not always: At least one local
theater building was used as a lumber yard where the shelves were built onto
the walls.  In this kind of situation it is likely that the frescos will be
damaged.  I guess, as with many other things, it all depends. . . .
Cal Pryluck                               <PRYLUCK@TEMPLEVM>
Dept of Radio-Television-Film             <[log in to unmask]>
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122