Pinkneyville!!  I thought there were only two people in our world of academe
who knew of the town.  Now there are three.  Maybe we could start a
Pinkneyville Commemorative Society the admission requirement being that the
candidate had walked the perimeter of the Court House Square.  Maybe one more:
being able to cite the name carved on the front of the hall.
Thanks for the directions to other halls; this was how I found out about
Pinkneyville.  Others I stumbled on by the vagaries of travel.  The experience
of the Iron River Town Hall can be duplicated by the Bisby Hall in
West Winfield, NY.  The building was remodeled into the public library and
offices for the police dept.  At the back of the library there is a door that
enters into what is left of the theater after the false ceilings and other
Cal Pryluck                               <PRYLUCK@TEMPLEVM>
Dept of Radio-Television-Film             <[log in to unmask]>
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122