There are good bibliographical references that might be very helpful in
Daniel J. Czitrom, _Media and the American Mind:  From Morse to McLuhan_.
In the 2nd chapter, "American Motion Pictures and the New Popular Culture,
 1893-1900.  This is published by the University of North Carolina Press, Chapel
Hill, 1982.  I use it in an introductory class as one of the texts and when I
looked for citations, I found so many that I suggest you look yourself.  Good
+  Sandra Basgall           [log in to unmask] (internet)  +
O  School of Journalism      sbasgava@uiamvs (bitnet)                O
+     and Mass Communication                                         +
O  The University of Iowa               voice:  (319) 337-5552       O
+  Iowa City, IA  52242                                              +