Brodcasting job...
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
                    FACULTY POSITIONS
            Department of Communication Studies
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The Department of Communication Studies at Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University anticipates THREE new tenure-track
assistant professor positions in Fall 1992:
   Position #1 -- PUBLIC RELATIONS.  Expertise in one or more
   of the following:  public opinion research, persuasive
   campaigns, media relations, corporate communication.
   Ability to teach principles, writing, cases, and a
   related special topic such as fundraising, survey
   research, crisis communication.  Professional experience
   Position #2 -- BROADCASTING.  Expertise in television
   production and broadcast writing.  The ability to teach
   in one or more of the following areas: international
   communication, audience research & measurement, new
   technologies, media programming.  Professional experience
   experience desirable.
   knowledge of area and ability to teach in one or more
   of the following: organizational, interpersonal, small
   groups, communication theory and research.
A Ph.D. preferred, ABD considered; evidence of excellent
teaching and a strong research record.  Salary and benefits
are highly competitive.
The Department is a growing, comprehensive undergraduate
department offering coursework in public relations,
broadcasting, speech communication, journalism, film and
popular culture.  The Department serves more than 600 majors
with 22 full-time faculty.  A graduate program is under
Virginia Tech, Virginia's largest university, is a
land-grant institution with 18,000 undergraduate and 4,000
graduate students.  Admission to both the University and the
Department is selective.  Computing facilities are excellent.
Positions begin August 1992.  Deadline for nominations and
applications is January 15, 1992.  Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.  Send letter of application (identify
position clearly), curriculum vitae, and three letters of
reference to:
          Dr. Robert E. Denton, Jr.
          Department of Communication Studies
          Agnew Hall
          Virginia Tech
          Blacksburg, VA 24061-0311
                     An EO/AA Employer