I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                                        Date:     01-Apr-1991 12:04pm EST
                                        From:     Corinne H. Smith
                                        Dept:     Audio Visual Services
                                        Tel No:   (814) 863-3104
TO:  Remote RSCS/NJE Network User         ( _BITNET%SCREEN-L@UA1VM )
Subject: Tarkovsky films
                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                                        Date:     01-Apr-1991 11:41am EST
                                        From:     Corinne H. Smith
                                        Dept:     Audio Visual Services
                                        Tel No:   (814) 863-3104
TO:  Remote RSCS/NJE Network User         ( _BITNET%BOISVERT@SIENA )
Subject: Tarkovsky films
According to our sources here, _The Sacrifice_ is available
for purchase from Pacific Arts Video in Beverly Hills, at
(800) 538-5856.  _My Name is Ivan_ is available for purchase
from on video from Facets at (800) 331-6197.  Those are the
only ones I found on video; _The Stalker_ is still available
on 16mmm from New Yorker Films, (212) 247-6110.
Corinne Smith, Media Resources Coordinator, Penn State University
<CHSMITH@PSUCES1>       (800) 826-0132       FAX:  (814) 863-2574