Since a few folks raised the subject, I'll ask the following:
I'm putting together my freshman comp class for the fall, and I'm
toying with the idea of doing it on documentaries.  So, two questions:
1.  What are a few good and short docs that I could use as introductions
to my students?  These have to be available in some form or another.
A few that have come to my mind are _Harlan County_, _Thin Blue Line_,
_Letter From Siberia_, _Salesman_.  If I had the time, I do some of
Ophuls's stuff.
2. What are good intro readings for people just getting started on
reading documentary films?  Again, short (xeroxable) is preferable.
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| chris amirault            | |--==-- There, now -- I have created a ---..
| [log in to unmask] | |====-- "brick", at no cost to myself,  --....
|                           | |-==--- it is the corner stone of my   --...-.
|                           | |===--- wealth -- the foundation of my --....
\---------------------------\ |-----= monument of fame -- ---------..---...
 \___________________________\|=-=-=-=-=-========-----..Geo. Herriman..-....