I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                                        Date:     28-Mar-1991 01:42pm EST
                                        From:     Corinne H. Smith
                                        Dept:     Audio Visual Services
                                        Tel No:   (814) 863-3104
TO:  Remote RSCS/NJE Network User         ( _BITNET%SCREEN-L@UA1VM )
Subject: Viewing differences
I've read through some of Curt Sampson's recent messages/conversations
about television viewing habits, and I've got similiar ideas and
questions on the topic.  For example, has anything been written about
the differences in comprehension when viewing an uninterrupted film
in a movie theater and viewing the same film in the comfort of your
own living room (and subject to any number of local disturbances)?
I'd be interested in that type of study.
Corinne Smith, Media Resources Coordinator, Penn State University
<CHSMITH@PSUCES1>       (800) 826-0132       FAX:  (814) 863-2574