(apologies for cross-posting)

Dear list subscribers,

Please see the attached announcement inviting applications for two
positions as tenure-track Assistant Professors of Media Studies in the
Department of Visual and Media Arts at Emerson College.

Preference given to applications received by September 30, 2022.

Maria San Filippo, PhD (she series)
Associate Professor • Visual & Media Arts, Emerson College
Editor • *New Review of Film and Television Studies*
*Appropriate Behavior* (Queer Film Classics)
• forthcoming November 2022
*After ‘Happily Ever After’: Romantic Comedy in the Post-Romantic Age*
• trailer
*Provocauteurs & Provocations:Screening Sex in 21st Century Media
<https://iupress.org/9780253052124/provociauteurs-iand-provocations/>* •
trailer <https://youtu.be/Q4s4H99ay44>

https://twitter.com/cinemariasf] <https://twitter.com/cinemariasf> [image:
https://twitter.com/cinemariasf] <https://twitter.com/cinemariasf>
<https://www.instagram.com/nrftsjournal/> [image: Academia.edu]

Screen-L is sponsored by the College of Communication and Information Sciences,
the University of Alabama: https://cis.ua.edu