Dear all,

A timely reminder that there’s a little over a month to get applications in for the PhD fee waivers at the School of Media, Communications and Sociology at the University of Leicester. The deadline for projects is 14th September.

Link and wider details below, but colleagues will forgive the shameless self-promotion of topics that align with my own work here:

Research is invited on the impact of the film trailer as a cultural object globally. This includes historical studies of the trailer, aesthetics, reception, or industrial creative or regulatory contexts. Extending this, work may consider the promotional trailer across geographic and regulatory territories, and the entertainment industry generally, including trailers for other entertainment products (television, videogames, theatre, books, etc.), as well as fan reception and participatory culture therein.

all the best  (and sincerest apologies for cross-posting)

The College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities are offering a number of Tuition Fee Waivers for successful PhD applicants commencing January 2023.

We welcome applications and research proposals for PhD Media and Communications in the following research areas.

Please read the list of supervisor's research interests below and, if any of these areas are of interest to you, prepare your proposal using our Research Proposal Form and submit your online application following the guidelines under our How To Apply section towards the bottom of the web page.

Dr. Kester Demmar  [log in to unmask]

Dr. Kester Demmar is interested in supervising research projects within journalism, specifically but not exclusively; media and technology,  veracity of news content in a world of social media, on/off screen representation (ethnicity and gender) within the media and media content. His interests also include, murder as television news content, live television news broadcasting, the role of technology within journalism and police and the media.

Dr. Ed Vollans  [log in to unmask]

Dr. Ed Vollans researches the impact of the film trailer as a cultural object globally. This includes historical studies of the trailer, aesthetics, reception, or industrial creative or regulatory contexts. Extending this, work may consider the promotional trailer across geographic and regulatory territories, and the entertainment industry generally, including trailers for other entertainment products (television, videogames, theatre, books, etc.), as well as fan reception and participatory culture therein.

Dr. Timothy Neff  [log in to unmask]

Dr. Timothy Neff looks forward to supervising projects on journalism, national media systems, media ownership, and public engagement with social problems. In particular, he has researched differences in news coverage of climate change and has studied how public media funding levels and structural protections strengthen democracies. He is interested in (but not restricted to!) students using social network analysis, content analysis, topic modeling, and ethnography as their research methods.


Dr Ed Vollans  (FRSA, CIF)
Lecturer in Media & Advertising,

Programme Director, MA Media & Advertising
Co-lead: Media Cultures Research Cluster
Director of Employability & Student Engagement

School of Media, Communications & Sociology
0.03 Astley Clarke Building

University of Leicester


Forthcoming & Recent Work(s):
(Not) In the Game<>

‘Paratextually Here’<>

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