Dear Colleagues,

I write to announce the publication of a new special issue of Literature/Film Quarterly on Ivo van Hove, the Belgian avant-garde director whose mediated, minimalist theatrical productions examine the distinction between film and theatre. Whether he's incorporating live video feeds and camera operators into Shakespeare or staging screenplays by Ingmar Bergman or Joseph L. Mankiewicz, van Hove remains one of the most exciting and divisive artists working on European and North American stages today.

Here's the table of contents:

Editorial Introduction: Mediating Theatre, Theatricalizing Media: Ivo van Hove as Adapter
Peter C. Kunze (Tulane University)

Ivo van Hove’s Shakespeare Cycles: Immersive Spectacle and Intermedial Adaptation
Dan Venning (Union College)

Snow Angels and Windmills: Ivo van Hove (Re)Directs Bergman
David Pellegrini (Eastern Connecticut State University)

All About Eve: Screens on Stages on Screens
Steve Benton (East Central University)

Articulation, Animation, Alienation: Intermedial Affect in Ivo van Hove’s Network
Julia Sirmons (Columbia University)

Ivo van Hove, West Side Story, and the Economics of Broadway Theatrical Production
Peter C. Kunze (Tulane University)

Peter C. Kunze (he/him)
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
Tulane University
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