*apologies for cross-posting*
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the publication of our Summer 2022 Issue 20.2 featuring articles by Julian Hanich, Katy Parry, Johnny Walker, Deniz Zorlu, and winners of the 2021 SCMS Queer & Trans Caucus Holmlund Award Joshua Bastian Cole (Cornell University) and Sean M. Donovan (University of Michigan).
Please see the Table of Contents for article abstracts as well as a list of book reviews by Aidan Dolby, M. Sellers Johnson, and Srishti Walia.
We're delighted as well to announce that the winner of the 2021 SCMS TV SIG Graduate Student Essay Contest is Olivia Stowell (University of Michigan), whose winning article “‘It’s Top Chef, Not a Personality Contest’: Grammars of Stereotype, Neoliberal Logics of Personhood, and the Performance of the Racialized Self in Top Chef: New York" will be published in our final issue of 2022. Congratulations as well to finalists Suryansu Guha (University of California, Los Angeles) and Lauren Sowa (University of Southern California), and thank you to all who submitted and to our TV SIG co-sponsors.
Over on the NRFTS blog, enjoy this Companion Glossary for Julian Hanich's article “Suggestive Verbalizations in Film" plus Warren Buckland's review of Daniel Fairfax's The Red Years of Cahiers du Cinéma (1968–1973), Lauren Herold's interview with GLAAD's Chief Communications Officer Rich Ferraro, William J. Simmons' review of Linda Badley's Lars von Trier: Beyond Depression, and Vik Verplanken's commentary "Cinema and Subversion: Exploring the Ontologically Subversive Potential of Psychedelic Cinema."
Please bookmark our blog URL https://nrftsjournal.org/, and we welcome your pitches/proposals for contributions at [log in to unmask].
For latest news and promotions, please follow us on Twitter @NRFTSJournal and Instagram nrftsjournal. We welcome article submissions through our website, where guidelines for authors can be found.
Kind regards,
Maria San Filippo
Matthew Connolly
Book Reviews Editor