Name: Anthony Dannar

Email: [log in to unmask]

Category: Conferences & Calls
Subject Line:   Reactionary Media

We are currently accepting proposals for Spring 2022! Please visit our Current Calls webpage for a complete list of topics. Calls with upcoming deadlines are listed below:

In Media Res is also accepting proposals on the topic of Reactionary Media. The deadline for proposals is Thursday, September 30, 2021. Here is the CFP:
IMS-Reactionary Media<>
IN MEDIA RES Fall 2021 Call for Curators Reactionary Media When in its infancy, the new freedoms provided by the internet and computer technologies were often framed as a means for better democratic participation and a mechanism to achieve improvements in human development. Although there are ...

Anthony Dannar

Graduate Teaching Associate/Ph.D. Candidate

Georgia State University

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