The journal is proud to announce the publication of issue 27.03! This
month's articles:

Cynthia Meyers, "Experiential Advertising: The World of Coca-Cola"

Cynthia Meyers discusses the experiential advertising at the *World of
Coca-Cola* museum in Atlanta, Georgia.

Alyx Vesey, "Channel Surfing for Television Music"

Alyx Vesey considers how musicians have made use of television as a medium
for promotional appearances, music videos, and award shows in light of the
COVID-19 pandemic.

Christina N. Baker, "Rap Is Not A Luxury in *The Forty Year-Old Version*"

Christina N. Baker incorporates thinking on poetry, hip hop, and creativity
to consider Black artistry in Radha Blank’s *The Forty-Year-Old-Version*.

L. Corinne Jones and Mel Stanfill, "From Hate Hoaxes to Circulatory
Terrorism: The Case of #NotAgainSU"

L. Corinne Jones and Mel Stanfill examine the social media phenomenon of
“circulatory terrorism” through the #NotAgainSU hashtag.

Crystal Camargo, "Televising Deportation: Hierarchies of Suffering in
Nation*" <>

Crystal Camargo interrogates the politics of representation of undocumented
immigrants and the privileging of moral complexity for ICE agents in
Netflix's docuseries *Immigration Nation*.

Eleanor Patterson, "Tape Trading Professional Wrestling and the History of
TV Distribution"

Using professional wrestling as a case study to analyze unofficial
broadcast distribution, Eleanor Patterson analyzes the role of tape trading
and fan communities to the circulation of pro-wrestling media.

Amanda C. Cote and Caden Perry, "More Than Skin Deep: Evaluating Fantasy
Video Games' Underlying Racial Influences"

Amanda C. Cote and Caden Perry discuss the racialized aspects of character
creation in role-playing games.

Andres Lombana-Bermudez, "#Re-Discovering Educomunicación: The Latin
American Movement of Media Literacy Education"

Andres Lombana-Bermudez explores Educomunicación, a media literacy movement
from Latin America that inspires creative action and transformation.

*Flow* <> is a critical forum on television and
media culture published by the Department of Radio-Television-Film
<> at the University of Texas at Austin. *Flow*'s
mission is to provide a space where scholars and the public can discuss
media histories, media studies, and the changing landscape of contemporary

Screen-L is sponsored by the College of Communication and Information Sciences,
the University of Alabama: