Name: Anthony Dannar
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Category: Announcements and Queries
Subject Line: In Media Res – “New Black Hollywood”

This week on In Media Res: (November 9-13)

Here is the lineup:<>

Monday, November 9, 2020 – Philana Payton (University of California-Los Angeles) presents: “Black Women as Godfather's and Gangster's: Set It Off's Divergence from the New Black Aesthetic.”

Tuesday, November 10,  2020 – Kyle Barrowman (DePaul University) presents: “Run Faster: The Racial Politics of John Singleton”

Wednesday November 11, 2020- Nicholas Forster (Yale University) presents: “Live, Love, Labor: Bill Duke's The Killing Floor and the Performance of Politicized Sociality.”

Thursday, November 12, 2020- Dan Hassler-Forest (Utrecht University) presents: “Blade and the Foundations of Marvel Superhero's Movie Empire.”

Friday, November 13, 2020- Jacqueline Pinkowitz (University of Texas-Austin) presents: “Showing Black Lives Matter- Queen Sugar's Revisionist Plantation Mythologies.”

Theme week organized by Derrick Jones (Georgia State University).

To find links for each day's posts and stay up to date on our latest calls for curators, please be sure to "like" our Facebook page:<>

You can also follow us on Twitter at @MC_IMR.

For more information, please contact In Media Res at [log in to unmask]


The In Media Res Team

Anthony Dannar

Graduate Teaching Associate/Ph.D. Student

Georgia State University

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite