JUMP CUT now has a new, archival home online! All 58 issues are available for online reading and/or downloading as: ABBYY GZ DAISY EPUB FULL TEXT KINDLE PDF Thanks go to editor Julia Lesage's determination to find a permanent home for JC, the archival assistance of the Internet Archive, and the PDFing efforts of Lang Thompson. The JUMP CUT "collection", as the Internet Archive calls it, may be found here: https://archive.org/details/jump-cut-magazine Download all the PDFs and make your own archive! Jeremy Butler Professor of Creative Media The University of Alabama -- 1970s in Black & White: http://bw1970s.com Official Jeremy G. Butler: http://tvcrit.com/jbutler/ All Things Acoustic Radio Program: http://allthingsacoustic.org <http://allthingsacoustic.org/> ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: https://listserv.ua.edu/archives/screen-l.html