The journal is proud to announce the publication of issue 25.06! This
month's articles:

Kelly Kessler, "*Grace and Frankie* Open the Door: Dramedy, Netflix, and
Small Screen Lily Tomlin"

Kelly Kessler examines not only the unique comedic styling of Lily Tomlin
but how  Netflix and its *Grace and Frankie* has opened up a new space for
comedy that broadcasters and cable outlets have often shied away from.

Alison Harvey, "Tits or GTFO: The Aggressive Architecture of the Internet"

Borrowing concepts from critical architecture studies, Harvey argues that
'active inactivity' in dealing with toxic and hateful speech and action in
the regulation of social media web sites functions as aggressive
architecture, sidelining the concerns, needs, and well-being of Othered

Sarah Florini, "Twitter and the Politics of Citation"

Sarah Florini considers how the intersections of social media, race,
intellectual property and fair use require a shift in thinking from issues
of legality to issues of power.

Matthew Tchepikova-Treon, "Punk, Disco, Porn—The Deuce ’77—Part 3"

In his third piece on HBO's *The Deuce*, Matthew Tchepikova-Treon explores
the role of pornography, music, and the female body in the show's second

Josh Stenger, "“I’m not really a ‘fan’, but…”: Fandom, Learning and the
Future of Higher Education"

Josh Stenger argues that participatory fandom presents higher education
with an opportunity to help undergraduates identify the skills and habits
of mind they have already developed as fans, then strengthen and apply
these in intentional, edifying ways in more traditional academic settings.

Joshua Braun, "Reflections on an $1,800 Dissertation"

Reflecting on completing his dissertation field work on a shoestring
budget, Josh Braun offers insights and guidance for those embarking on a
similar path.

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*Flow* is a critical forum on television and media culture published
by the Department
of Radio-Television-Film <> at the University of
Texas at Austin. *Flow*'s mission is to provide a space where scholars and
the public can discuss media histories, media studies, and the changing
landscape of contemporary media. For past issues and guidelines for
submission, visit

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite