Please consider using MediArxiv ("media archive") for your pre-print (and Open Access post-print published work) needs for your papers.

MediArXiv is a free, community-led digital archive for media, film, and communication research (hosted on the Open Science Framework).

It provides a non-profit platform for media, film, and communication scholars to upload their working papers, pre-prints, accepted manuscripts (post-prints), and published manuscripts. The service is open for articles, books, and book chapters.

The mission of MediArXiv is to open up media, film, and communication research to a broader readership and to help build the future of scholarly communication. In the course of its developments, MediArXiv is working toward interoperability with other important open access scholarly platforms in the humanities and social sciences, such as Humanities Commons.

More information follows, or go to:

Jeremy Butler
[log in to unmask]
Professor of Creative Media
JCM Department | University of Alabama


Here are a few things you can do with MediaArxiv:
Select your storage location
Files can be stored in a location you specify from the available geographic regions for new projects.
Store your files
Archive your materials, data, manuscripts, or anything else associated with your work during the research process or after it is complete.

Share your work
Keep your research materials and data private, make it accessible to specific others with view-only links, or make it publicly accessible. You have full control of what parts of your research are public and what remains private.

Register your research
Create a permanent, time-stamped version of your projects and files. Do this to preregister your design and analysis plan to conduct a confirmatory study, or archive your materials, data, and analysis scripts when publishing a report.

Make your work citable
Every project and file on the OSF has a permanent unique identifier, and every registration can be assigned a DOI. Citations for public projects are generated automatically so that visitors can give you credit for your research.
Measure your impact
You can monitor traffic to your public projects and downloads of your public files.
Connect services that you use
OSF integrates with GitHub, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Dataverse, figshare, Amazon S3, ownCloud, Bitbucket, GitLab, OneDrive, Mendeley, and Zotero. Link the services that you use to your OSF projects so that all parts of your research are in one place

Add your collaborators to have a shared environment for maintaining your research materials and data and never lose files again.


The OSF Team

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210 Ridge McIntire Road, Suite 500, Charlottesville, VA 22903-5083

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