May I indulge in a little bit of self-promotion?
Steven Cohan

I am pleased to announce the publication next week of my new book, HOLLYWOOD BY HOLLYWOOD: THE BACKSTUDIO PICTURE AND THE MYSTIQUE OF MAKING MOVIES. You can preorder it from Amazon or order it now from Oxford University Press at a very nice discount with this code: AAFLYG6. Here is the description from the back of my book:

The backstudio picture is a staple of Hollywood film production harking back to the silent era and extending to the present day. What gives backstudios their coherence as a genre, Steven Cohan argues in Hollywood by Hollywood, is their fascination with the mystique of Hollywood as a geographic place, a self-contained industry, and a fantasy of fame, leisure, sexual freedom and modernity. Yet if backstudio pictures have rarely achieved blockbuster box-office success, what accounts for the film industry’s interest in continuing to produce them? The backstudio picture has been an enduring genre because, aside from offering a director or writer a chance to settle old scores, in branding filmmaking with the Hollywood mystique, the genre solicits consumers’ strong investment in the movies. Covering the hundred-year span of feature length film production, Hollywood by Hollywood offers an illuminating perspective for considering anew the history of American movies.

Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: