This week's In Media Res theme focus is "Moral Media" (May 15 - 19).

Here is the lineup:

Monday, May 15 - Robert Mejia (North Dakota State University) presents "The Ethics of Ludic Reflection and Emotional Obligation."

Tuesday, May 16 - Fredrik Knudsen (YouTube) presents "Ethical Empires."

Wednesday, May 17 - Whitney Pow (Northwestern University) presents " 'Throw Yourself Into the Barbs': Morality, Pixelation and Spatial Legibility in Alexander Ocias's Loved."

Thursday, May 18 - Joshua Miner (University of Kansas) presents "Ecological Protocols in Indigenous Game Design."

Friday, May 19 - Sky LaRell Anderson (Denison University) presents "Valiant Hearts:  Addressing the Moral Dilemma of Historical War Video Games."

Theme week organized by Soo Keung Jung (Georgia State University).

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