SCIENCE FICTION FILM AND TELEVISION invites reviewers of science fiction
films and television series that premiered in 2016. Please note that these
are academic reviews for an academic journal; regrettably, the journal does
not pay its contributors.

If you are interested, please send an interest email to
[log in to unmask], including the film or films you'd like to review as
well as a CV.

Our DVD and streaming television reviews run 1000-2000 words; when the
situation warrants we expand these reviews to 2000-4000 word "review essay"
length. Reviews should be written so as not to require a bibliography.

We are especially interested in reviews of global SF cinema, as well as
reviews of independent SF film.

Gerry Canavan
Assistant Professor of 20th and 21st Century Literature
English Department, Marquette University
[log in to unmask]

Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: