Dear Friends and Colleagues:
I hope you've had a chance to see and perhaps share my "Audiovisuality and
Campaign 2016" piece that appeared in Flow Journal, and my "250 Words in
2.5 Days" campaign. Clinton's and Trump's campaign materials (rallies,
political ads, and commercials) from the last two weeks have been
complicated and forceful. I've created study questions for students to
review tonight or for you to share in the classroom. I think they're
interesting! I'll try to do a nicer mock up later today. For right now,
here are the questions and links.

250 words in 2.5 days<https://people.stanford. edu/cvernall/

The call for "250 Words in 2.5 Days" is due today, but Trax on the Trail is
not limited in terms of space. I've spoken with several respected online
and academic journals about publishing more of the mini-essays. If you can
get abstracts to me by 11/14 I'll see what I can do about getting them

Best wishes,



*Clinton's Audiovisual Materials of these Last Days*
*1)* What do you find socially engaged and/or groundbreaking in Beyoncé's
and the Dixie Chicks' CMA  performance of "Daddy Lessons" and Beyoncé's
"Formation" performance for Clinton's Cleveland rally with Jay-Z? What
strikes you about the music and image tracks in both performances? What
have journalists and YouTube posts contributed to our understanding of
these performances? How do these performances resonate with Beyoncé's
*Lemonade* and *Formation* tour? (I've included my analyses of Beyoncé's
*Lemonade* below.)

Beyonce and Jay Z Concert Hillary Clinton (FULL SPEECH) Cleveland Rally

Beyoncé performs "Formation" for HRC campaign

Beyoncé’s Lemonade, Avant-Garde Aesthetics, and Music Video: “The Past and
the Future Merge to Meet Us Here”

Beyoncé’s Lemonade: She Dreams in Both Worlds

*2)* What do you think about corporations like Tecate beer and Nike
participating in presidential campaigns, either subtly or directly? Do you
think the soundtrack and image of Mark Romanek's video with LeBron James
"Come out of Nowhere" speaks directly or indirectly to immigration and if
so, how? How is it understood by viewers?

Come out of Nowhere.

*3)* How does Jonas Akerlund's video for Pussy Riot’s "Make America Great
Again" strike you emotionally? What musical and visual genres does it draw
upon? Pussy Riot was imprisoned in Russia and chastised by Putin: does this
play into the election? What might carry over from Akerlund's and Lady
Gaga's "Telephone" and "Paparazzi"?

Pussy Riot - Make America Great Again

*4)* GMMB (Clinton's ad campaign) produced these last clips for Clinton.
They're using a house style to unify ads. Does this help or hinder these
last clips?

The best anti-Trump ads & web videos from Hillary for America - October &
November 2016

*Trump's Audiovisual Materials for November*
*1)* Trump has far fewer surrogates supporting him than does Clinton. There
are his rallies. What do you think of these as audiovisual events? Shazam
can be helpful for identifying music in clips (fife and drums, Wagner). Do
you think Trump’s team planned the long stretch of music on an empty podium
in Sarasota, Florida? Are speakers missing, and who might they be? Or does
the rally work like a rock concert, where the audience is encouraged to

LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Sarasota, Florida (11/7/2016) Trump Live
Sarasota Florida Speech

*2)* When Trump played Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" at a San Jose
rally, journalists noted the music’s ties to fascism. YouTube clips from
that rally that featured this music were removed or recut with different
music. Now it's again part of his rally. What can we say about history,
truth, knowledge, and preservation on YouTube?

*3)* Trump's "The Most Powerful Trump Ad Ever" is clearly anti-immigration,
and, as Al Franken and many others have noted, antisemitic. How might you
be able to determine this? How different is Trump's message from Bernie
Sanders' first clip of "America," or those of Occupy? Democrats have been
known for embracing aesthetic values (great production, fine editing, use
of music), and Republicans have been associated with unadorned patriotic
messages (Reagan's "Morning in America"). Is it possible there’s been an
inversion in this election cycle?

The Most Powerful Trump Ad Ever

Donald Trump's Argument For America NEW AD

Sen. Franken: Trump ad has 'Elders of Zion' feel

America | Bernie Sanders

*4)* What do you think of this PacMan ad audiovisually? Do you think Trump
or SNL should now put out anything since the FBI cleared Clinton's emails?
Is there something that Hillary Clinton should release now?

New Trump Campaign Ad Oct. 18, 2016

*Considering the Election as a Whole*
*1)* For many people this has been an exhausting, stressful, even
frightening election season. Do we as a country need some form of
catharsis, celebration, or spectacle to move past this election? What forms
might it take?

*2)* *SNL* and many other comedy shows have covered the election; humor has
been one of the most powerful tools for changing opinions. *SNL*’s most
recent clip has Hillary and Trump moving into the crowds embracing them in
this last clip. Can we find a way to joyously, through humor, move through
the transition to a new president?

Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump Cold Open - SNL

*3)* In this British clip from the *NY Times* there's effigy-burning. Are
you worried about violence after the election? What can we do to facilitate
a transition to the next period in America's great experiment?

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