This week's In Media Res theme focus is Gender Identity and the Superhero (Nov. 16 - 20) Here's the line-up: . Monday, November 16, 2015 - Shawna Kidman (UC San Diego) presents: Women and Superheroes, By the Numbers Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Ellen Kirkpatrick (Kingston University, London) presents: "I'm a superhero.": Seeing Ourselves in Unlikely Spaces Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - Charlotte Howell (University of Texas at Austin) presents: CBS's Supergirl Reacting to the Legacy of "Tricky" Wonder Woman Thursday, November 19, 2015 - Carlen Lavigne (Red Deer College) presents: Being Batman: Gender and Performance in the Arkham Video Games Friday, November 20, 2015 - Suzanne Scott (Department of Radio-Television-Film, UT Austin) presents: On the Feminist Impact ofDC Bombshells Theme week organized by Suzanne Scott (Department of Radio-Television-Film, UT Austin) and Ellen Kirkpatrick (Kingston University, London). Georgia State University liason: Lauren Cramer<>. To receive links for each day's posts and stay up to date on our latest calls for curators, please be sure "like" our Facebook page: You can also follow us on Twitter at @MC_IMR For more information, please contact In Media Res at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Best, The In Media Res Team -------------------------------------------------------- MeCCSA mailing list -------------------------------------------------------- To manage your subscription or unsubscribe from the MECCSA list, please visit: ------------------------------------------------------- MeCCSA is the subject association for the field of media, communication and cultural studies in UK Higher Education. This mailing list is a free service and is not restricted to members. It is an unmoderated list and content reflect the views of those who post to the list and not of MeCCSA as an organisation. MeCCSA recommends that the list be used only for posting of information (for example about events, publications, conferences, lectures) of interest to members or to promote discussion of current issues of wide general interest in the field. Posts to the MeCCSA mailing list are public, indexed by Google, and can be accessed from the JISCMail website ( Any messages posted to the list are subject to the JISCMail acceptable use policy, which states that users should avoid "engaging in unreasonable behaviour, or disrupting the general flow of discussion on a list." For further information, please visit: -------------------------------------------------------- ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: