The Studies in French Cinema Postgraduate Essay Prize (Deadline 31 October)
The Association offers an annual prize for a postgraduate essay in English on any aspect of French or Francophone cinema. The prize consists of books published by Manchester University Press up to a retail value of £150, and free admission to the Studies in French Cinema annual conference in the year following the award. The essay will automatically be considered for publication in Studies in French Cinema. The deadline is 31st October.
Essays will be judged by a sub-committee formed from members of the Editorial and Advisory Board of Studies in French Cinema.
The conditions are as follows:

•   Essays receiving less than a mark of 75 should not be submitted.
•   The essay (written in English) must be at least 4000-6000 words long (notes and references included).
•   It must have been written by a postgraduate student registered at the time of submission at an institution of higher education in the United Kingdom or Ireland.
•   It must be submitted as an electronic file to the SFC office<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by the student's supervisor.
•   The supervisor should state what mark was achieved, and confirm the originality of the essay, and the date of its first submission.
•   The file should not contain any assessor comments.
•   The student's name and institution should not appear anywhere on the essay.


Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Lewis Carroll Building 27AC05
School of English and Languages
University of Surrey
T: 01483 682980
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Chief General Editor Studies in French Cinema:
Chair British Association of Film Television and Screen Studies:


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