Now available from Indiana University Press:

The Year's Work at the Zombie Research Center
Edited by Edward P. Comentale and Aaron Jaffe

"An intelligent and highly engaging collection that will appeal to legions
of zombie fans, to students in the humanities, and to scholars working in
fields that have already been affected by or are now preparing for the
zombie apocalypse. It blends entertaining, illuminating, and accessible
readings of zombies and zombie culture with unique interventions made from
authoritative positions of expertise." ‹Julian Murphet, author of
Multimedia Modernism: Literature and the Anglo-American Avant-Garde

They have stalked the horizons of our culture, wreaked havoc on moribund
concepts of dead and not dead, threatened our sense of identity, and
endangered our personal safety. Now zombies have emerged from the lurking
shadows of society¹s fringes to wander the sacred halls of the academy,
feasting on tender minds and hurling rot across our intellectual
landscape. It is time to unite in common cause, to shore up defenses, firm
up critical and analytical resources, and fortify crumbling lines of
inquiry. Responding to this call, Brain Workers from the Zombie Research
Center poke and prod the rotting corpus of zombie culture trying to make
sense of cult classics and the unstoppable growth of new and even more
disturbing work. They exhume "zombie theory" and decaying historical
documents from America, Europe, and the Caribbean in order to unearth the
zombie world and arm readers with the brain tools necessary for everyday
survival. Readers will see that zombie culture today ³lives² in shapes as
mutable as a zombie horde‹and is often just as violent.

The Year's Work: Studies in Fan Culture and Cultural Theory
544 pp., 53 b&w illus.
cloth 978-0-253-01382-8 $75.00
paper 978-0-253-01387-3 $26.00
ebook 978-0-253-01392-7 $25.99

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