*The Oxford Bibliography in Cinema and Media Studies Seeks Nominations for* *The Graduate Student Article Award* Oxford University Press is inviting you to nominate your best doctoral students for The Graduate Student Article Award <http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/grad-award-details#3> in the Oxford Bibliography in Cinema and Media Studies <http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/cinema-and-media-studies>. The competition offers advanced graduate students the opportunity to get published in a peer-reviewed publication, to give visibility to their research, and to work with the project’s editors and a team of academic editors at Oxford University Press. Authors of winning proposals will be offered a contract and an honorarium of $350 or $700 in books for their contribution. Last year’s winners submitted excellent articles on “New Media Policy,” “Popular Hindi Cinema,” “Dziga Vertov,” “Film Sound Design,” and “Social Problem Films.” *The Nomination Process*: To nominate one or more of your graduate students, please fill out the nomination form here <http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/staticfiles/Grad%20Award%20Nomination%20Forms/PDF/OB%20Cinema%20and%20Media%20Studies%20Graduate%20Student%20Award%20Nomination%20Form.pdf>. We are looking for clear thinkers and excellent writers with a strong command of the literature in their area of expertise. Please note that the nominees must be advanced doctoral students already writing their dissertations. Nominees will then be asked to send in a 750-word proposal, a sample chapter from their dissertation, their dissertation’s bibliography, and their CV, along with a list of their dissertation committee members. *Deadline for nominations is August 29, 2014*. Deadline for submissions would be *Spring/Summer 2015*. *The Selection Process*: Winners will be selected by the Editor-in-Chief <http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/cinema-and-media-studies#2> and the Advisory Editors <http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/cinema-and-media-studies#editorialBoard>, in conjunction with the *Oxford Bibliographies* editorial team, based on the following criteria: · Scholarly excellence · Command and critical assessment of the literature · Clear, concise, and compelling prose *About Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies*: Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies is a growing collection of bibliographic articles on topics in cinema and media studies. At the moment there are 150 articles online with another 50 currently in production. As we keep developing this resource, we are particularly interested in expanding our coverage of media studies. To learn more about the project and to see published articles, please use username *gratisuser306* and password *onlineaccess306* to log on: http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/browse?module_0=obo-9780199791286 For any questions and to learn about what articles we have planned, please contact [log in to unmask] Sincerely, Krin Gabbard, Editor in Chief Oxford Bibliography in Cinema and Media Studies -- Krin Gabbard Emeritus Professor of Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Stony Brook University Editor in Chief, Cinema and Media Studies Oxford Bibliographies www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/cinema-and-media-studies ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]