1. Susan Hayward Prize 2. Postgraduate Essay Prize *************************************** 1. Susan Hayward Prize (http://surrey.ac.uk/fahs/research/sfc/susanhaywardprize/index.htm) The Susan Hayward Prize for 2010 has been awarded to Jennifer Porst (University of California, Los Angeles) for her article 'The Influence of Sound on Visual Style in Renoir's Tire au flanc and La Chienne', published in volume 12, number 3. *************************************** 2. Postgraduate Essay Prize (http://surrey.ac.uk/fahs/research/sfc/pgessayprize/index.htm) We have extended the deadline for this Prize to 20 December. ________________________________________ Phil Powrie Professor of Cinema Studies Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences University of Surrey GU2 7XH [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Administrative Assistant: lynn.wright<mailto:[log in to unmask]>@surrey.ac.uk<mailto:[log in to unmask]>/+44 (0)1483689445 Studies in French Cinema: http://surrey.ac.uk/fahs/research/sfc ________________________________________ ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: http://bama.ua.edu/archives/screen-l.html