This week’s In Media Res special theme week's focus is Football/Futbol.

Here's the line-up:

Monday November 8, 2010 – Charlotte Howell (University of Texas at Austin) presents: The Goal Felt ‘Round the States: Reaction Videos as Sites of National Unity

Tuesday November 9, 2010 – Ron Krabill (University of Washington) presents: Football in the Shadows of the 2010 World Cup

Wednesday November 10, 2010 – Alex Kupfer (New York University) presents: Turning the Game On: The NFL’s Blackout Rule and the Mediation of Football

Thursday November 11, 2010 – Harper Cossar (Georgia Gwinnett College) presents: Poaching highlights: The curious case of NFL Network’s RedZone channel

Friday November 12, 2010 – Allison George (Georgia State University) presents: TBA

Theme Week Organized by Collin Coleman (Georgia State University)

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