Hi Christine
I just finished my Thesis on Miami Vice and basically of of my sources were
about Michael Mann planning a "one hour film" each week. That was the
mission of the show and, in my opinion, truly brought the cinematic to
television, even more so than the remake which was a "cinematic feature
film". If you are interested in my thesis and sources, let me know.

Alexandra Nakelski

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 10:43 AM, christine cornea <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am currently looking for academic articles/books concerned with the
> 'cinematic' (as it is
> perceived) in television. Specifically, I'm looking for work
> that examines the spin-off TV series, the employ of a 'cinematic
> aesthetic' in TV, and work that examines the intersection of the two
> mediums - either in the UK or US from the 1970s onwards. I know this sounds
> a little broad, but I would be grateful for any suggested articles/books.
> Many thanks,
> Christine Cornea
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