Apologies for crossposting: I am glad to announce the release of the third issue of* Cine y... Journal of interdisciplinary studies on film in Spanish. **Cine y... *is a scholarly journal dedicated exclusively to the interdisciplinary study of film in Spanish. Under the auspices of the Department of Hispanic Studies of Texas A & M University, the journal is published twice yearly. We are currently calling for papers for our next issue.* Cine y...* publishes articles, interviews, and book reviews in a bilingual format. *Cine y...* invites studies which look at film and society, history, literature, gender, psychology, etc. To be considered for publication, articles should study film(s) in Spanish from an interdisciplinary perspective. Articles and interviews Word- and MLA style- formatted, should be sent digitally to one of the editors listed below for review by the editorial board. We also publish reviews on film books, also MLA style formatted. The deadline for submitting any works for the next issue is July 30. For more details please email *[log in to unmask]* or visit * http://ciney.tamu.edu/Submissions.html* Subscriptions and books to be reviewed should be sent to: Miguel A. Zárate / Rick Curry *Cine y...* Department of Hispanic Studies Texas A & M University 4238 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4238, U.S.A. [log in to unmask] -- Miguel A. Zarate Co-editor* "Cine y..." Journal of interdisciplinary studies on Film in Spanish* Graduate Assistant Department of Hispanic Studies Texas A&M University MS 4238 College Station, TX 77843-4238 ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]