Issue #81  War Films/Female Directors

The intent of this issue of CineAction is to open up to fresh  
investigation two areas of interest that have long histories in film  
theory and criticism, the War Film, and Female Directors and Film.
War Films present an intriguing contradiction in that this popular and  
historically omnipresent genre has not just sunk to the bottom of  
audience appeal - witness the box office disasters of even critically  
acclaimed films on US involvement in the Mideast, especially Iraq -  
but at the same time, the success of war at the level of the fictional  
and cartoonish superhero has never been more prevalent nor fiscally  
As for female directors, at this year?s Toronto International Film  
Festival a publicist commented that there had never been so many  
female directors? works being screened, to which a critic retorted  
that nevertheless, they still made up a fraction of all the directors.
While these two themes would appear to be quite opposite in  
practically all ways,..typically the War film has been aimed at male  
audiences, while female directors have been posited as producing films  
  that deal with women?s concerns and interests? a recent war film The  
Hurt Locker by Katherine Bigelow has prompted the necessity to  
reconsider the conventions.

Papers should be submitted in hard copy only, mailed directly to Susan  
Morrison, the editor of this issue. Once accepted for publication, the  
paper will then be emailed as a file attachment.
The deadline for submission is  March 1, 2010.  It would be  
appreciated if a brief proposal be submitted as early as possible as  
an indication of intention to submit.
A style guide is available on our website
Please address all queries and submissions to the issue?s editor:

  Susan Morrison
314 Spadina Road
Toronto On
Canada M5R 2V6
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