Hi all,
Welcome to a special theme week devoted to online content in an era of multiplatform branding. Many of the contributors to this week’s line-up are participants in a series of upcoming AHRC-sponsored workshops on “Ephemeral Media”. More information is available below.
This week’s In Media Res line-up:
Monday, February 16, 2009 – Elizabeth Evans ( University of Nottingham) presents: “10am Carnaby Street: Kate Modern and the Ephemeralisation of Online Video”
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 – Max Dawson ( Indiana University) presents: “'You know what my favorite promotion is? Lost!' The ongoing convergence of content and promotion”
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 – John Paul Kelly (University of Nottingham) presents: “Brought to You With Limited Commercial Interruption: The temporalities of online TV”
Thursday, February 19, 2009 – James Bennett (London Metropolitan University) presents: "multiplatform fame: the authentic self as 
Friday, February 20, 2009 – Avi Santo (Old Dominion University) presents: “From ‘Heroes’ to ‘Zeroes’: Producing Fan Vids without Fans”
Please check out these wonderful contributions and offer your thoughts via a comment.
In Media Res is dedicated to experimenting with collaborative, multi-modal forms of online scholarship.

Each day, a different scholar will curate a 30-second to 3-minute video clip/visual image slideshow accompanied by a 300-350-word impressionistic response.

We use the title "curator" because, like a curator in a museum, you are repurposing a media object that already exists and providing context through your commentary, which frames the object in a particular way.

The clip/comment combination are intended to both introduce the curator's work to the larger community of scholars (as well as non-academics who frequent the site) and, hopefully, encourage feedback/discussion from that community.

Theme weeks are designed to generate a networked conversation between curators. All the posts for that week will thematically overlap and the participating curators each agree to comment on one another's work.

Our goal is to promote an online dialogue amongst scholars and the public about contemporary approaches to studying media.

In Media Res  provides a forum for more immediate critical engagement with media at a pace closer to how we typically experience media
About the AHRC-Sponsored “Ephemeral Media” Workshops

We are now living in a world where media seem available everywhere and all the time. The AHRC-sponsored ‘Ephemeral Media’ workshops to be held at the University of Nottingham in June and July examine a particular feature of our accelerated media world - the growth of the brief or ‘ephemeral’ texts that exist beyond and between the films, television programmes, and radio broadcasts more commonly isolated for analysis. The workshops will focus on two particular examples of ephemeral media. The first workshop in the series will focus on so-called ‘user-generated’ content, in particular the kinds of ephemeral online video that are seen on sites such as YouTube. The second workshop will focus on the promotional ephemera used by media companies to capture the attention of audiences; it will consider short creative forms such as logos, promos, trailers and channel ‘idents’ as they have been used by such as film companies and television broadcasters to make themselves (and their products) seen and heard in a competitive media environment. Together, the ephemeral media workshops will invite reflection on the significance of screen ephemera - on those forms of screen culture that, whilst momentary, remain active components of media experience. For more information see www.ephemeralmedia.co.uk
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