Call for Proposals:
The Third Annual Midwest Undergraduate Film Conference
at the University of Notre Dame
April 24-25, 2009

The Midwest Undergraduate Film Conference offers undergraduate 
students the opportunity to present papers representing their best 
work in film and media studies. Students will deliver papers on any 
aspect of film and media history, criticism, or theory. Papers will 
be given in twenty minute slots.

Students who wish to participate in the conference must submit a 
title and abstract describing their paper (maximum 200 words). 
Students should also attach a brief (maximum 100 words) biographical 
statement stating their college or university, their major, their 
interest in film, and their academic goals.  Proposals should include 
technical needs and contact information. Students must use 
appropriate submission forms, available online at 

A panel comprised of Notre Dame faculty from the Department of Film, 
Television, and Theatre will select papers from among the proposals received.

This is not an undergraduate film festival but an academic 
conference. Do not send student films.  Student films may, of course, 
form part of a paper presentation but will not be screened outside 
the 20-minute time allocation.

Deadline for proposals: February 15th, 2009

Send completed form to Christina Ries via email, 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] using subject heading undergraduate 

Or mail to: Undergraduate Film Conference, c/o Pam Wojcik, 230C 
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, Department of Film, Television, and 
Theatre, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Third Annual Midwest Undergraduate Film Conference Submission Form

For more information, contact Christine Becker, 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask], 574-631-7592
or consult

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