Greetings, We want to let you know that our Volume 8 Special Issue: Sarah Palin and the Media on Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture is now available at This issue features columns from Janet McCabe, Patrick Kinsman, Eric Shouse, Jennifer Brundidge, John Streamas, Bearnadette Barker - Plummer, Nina Power, Daniel Metz, Ann McKinnon, Emily Regan Wills, and M. Patrick Cullinane. This issue's columns in brief: "In the Feminine Ideal, We Trust" by Janet McCabe ( From a UK perspective, an examination of Palin's treatment by the media as the feminine ideal. "A Girl and a Gun: Photoshop Fakes Sarah Palin" by Patrick Kinsman ( Digesting the now infamous Photoshopped image of Palin with gun and American flag bikini. "A Politically Unbiased Report on the Satirization of “Jesus Freak” Sarah Palin and Her Hillbilly Family " by Eric Shouse ( Looking at the role satire and TV comedy plays during election seasons. "The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and the Meta-Silly Season in Politics: Agenda Setting in the Contemporary Media Environment" by Jennifer Brundidge ( ): Analyzing "fake" news shows in this particularly "silly season in politics" "Palin's State" by John Streamas ( Covering the racial implications of the candidates' home states. "Reading Sarah Palin" by Bearnadette Barker - Plummer ( Critically reading Palin's role(s) and their cultural implications "Sarah Palin: Castration as Plenitude" by Nina Power ( Analyzing Palin as an example of the crisis in defining feminism "Rule 34 and Epic Raids: Sarah Palin as a Victim of Internet Pranksterism" by Daniel Metz ( A look at the strikes against Palin by the Internet prankster group Anonymous "Even Mud Has The Illusion of Depth: A McLuhanesque Reading of Sarah Palin" by Ann McKinnon ( ) Reading Tina Fey's satirical impersonation of Palin from a McLuhanian perspective "Tigh/Roslin 2008: When Politics Turn Fictional" by Emily Regan Wills ( An analysis of Battlestar Galatica fans' appropriation of the McCain - Palin ticket "Europe Signals its Concerns with Sarah: Experience, Education, and Etiquette" by M. Patrick Cullinane ( A look at Europe's response to the 2008 election and Palin's nomination We look forward to your visit and encourage your comments. Best wishes, Flow Editorial Staff ---- Learn to speak like a film/TV professor! Listen to the ScreenLex podcast: