Registration is now open for


October 9-11, 2008
The University of Texas at Austin

Inaugurated in 2006, the Flow Conference is a spin-off of the online 
journal <>Flow, which is edited by graduate students 
in UT's Department of Radio-Television-Film.

The Flow Conference resembles traditional academic meetings in name 
only. There are no panels, no papers, and no plenary sessions. The 
conference consists of a series roundtables, each organized around a 
question about television and media culture contributed by recent 
Flow columnists.  The goal of the conference is to promote discussion 
amongst television and media scholars, media activists, television 
fans, policymakers, TV critics, and members of the media industries.

Please note that our Call for Papers is now closed, and roundtable 
participants have been accepted for the 2008 conference. 
Nevertheless, we welcome others who are interested to attend and to 
participate in the discussions.

For more information about the Flow Conference, please visit:

For questions about the conference, please send 
mailto:[log in to unmask]

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite