Deadline Extended for Paper & Workshop Proposals NATIONAL MEDIA EDUCATION CONFERENCE (SAAME) ADELAIDE 26-28 SEPTEMBER 2008 Conference Theme, Digital Dialogues: Moving Media Education HAWKE BUILDING CITY WEST CAMPUS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA CALL FOR PAPERS AND WORKSHOPS The digital future is upon us and we ought to be talking about the digital present. How are students, teachers and media education accommodating and responding to the changes brought by the digital revolution ? Where is Media Education now and where is it heading? Children and young people now have more choices as consumers, readers, viewers, creators and producers of media than their parents and even older siblings had, and their communicative power is considerable. Media that used to be exclusive and expensive is now everywhere and everyday. With so much availability and opportunity for creativity, what are the practices that we find ourselves engaged with as consumers, producers, educators, and citizens? This conference invites papers and workshops that engage with the most current issues, challenges and practices in media education. Papers will be accepted in peer-reviewed and non-reviewed streams. Workshops may provide examples of teaching and learning innovation, excellence, and engagement with media practices and projects. We welcome papers and workshops on a broad range of topics and here are a few suggested themes: Fostering Media Cultures; Me Media: More Than Just a Marketing Mantra?; Media Making; Developing Digital Literacy; IP: Creating/Quoting; Teaching Ethics in a Changing Media Culture; Indigenous Media Communities; Who are the Net Gen and What Do They Do?; Media Regulation; New Media and Old Moral Panics; Relevant Education for Media Workers; Social Networking Sites and Services; Encouraging Childrens Creativity with Media; Open-source in the Classroom; Personal Technologies, Creativity and Education; Cyber-bullying in Youth Culture All abstracts and papers will be double blind, peer-reviewed. Submit 200 word abstract by 28th April, 2008 to Follow the instructions under Lodge Abstracts Response Schedule: Notification of Abstract Acceptance 12th May Full Paper Due 16 June Notification of Paper Acceptance 7 July Final (Revised) Paper Due 4 August Early Bird Registration Closes 11 August All peer-reviewed papers will be considered for publication in Southern Review. Please submit any questions relating to your abstact to Grant Brindal at [log in to unmask] Grant Brindal Conference Convenor ---- Learn to speak like a film/TV professor! Listen to the ScreenLex podcast: