Film & History  panels (14 of them) at the Southwest PCAACA conferencia...The 
meeting is in  Albuquerque, 12-16 February 2008...just around the corner. 
Dear  Film scholars, 
There  are 14 panels on Film & History at the SWPCA meeting next month.   For 
the listing, go to the  Film & History web site 
Panels deal with  religion, ehtnicity, terrorism, the frontier, cowboys, 
Native  Americans, 
the Cold War,  "Cinematic Realism," spectatorship and gender, film genre and  
film genre and  national identity, auteurs and history, post-colonial 
culture, concepts  of 
time and space,  pedagogy.  There will even be a special Film & History 
workshop led  by 
representatives of the  journal--to include Deborah Carmichael, Cindy Miller, 
and Peter  Rollins. 
The program for the  entire PCAACA meeting is at (      There are  other 
film areas...Look for them on the program! 
The SWPCA meeting in  Albuquerque is held downtown and will involve nearly 
participants, many  book venders and journals, and will have WIFI in all 
meeting  rooms 
for presenters.   The guest artist is poet Joy Harjo. 
National officers will  be in attendance, to include the National Executive  
John Bratzel of  Michigan State U. 
Be there or be  square! 
Peter  Rollins 
Film & History  representative and retired Oklahoman 
[log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask])  
_ (  
Questions about Film  & History should be sent to Loren PQ Baybrook, Director 
of the Center for  the 
Study of Film and  History, U of Wisconsin-Oshkosh at 
[log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask])  
Questions of the Film  & History panels should be referred to Tobias 
Hochescher,  the 
Co-Area Chair for the  F&H Area, SWPCA at [log in to unmask] 
(mailto:[log in to unmask])  

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