Dear Colleagues,

Readers of Frameline Distribution's monthly e-newsletter, the FRAMELINE
DISTRIBUTION DISPATCH, are entitled to 20% off all titles in our collection
of more than 200 LGBT-themed films throughout June in honor of Gay & Lesbian
Pride Month. The June edition of the DISPATCH contained a discount code that
yields this 20% discount, even on our VHS titles that are already at low
clearance sale prices.

If you are NOT currently a subscriber to our monthly e-newsletter and you
are in media studies, you can sign up at and you will receive the July
issue next month. Meanwhile, you can view past issues  (including the
current June issue with the 20% discount code) at .

Thanks for supporting Frameline, your nonprofit source for LGBT media in
educational settings! View a list of our Film Studies titles here:

Andy Moore 
Educational Distribution Manager
145 9th Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94103
P 415.703.8650 x316
F 415.861.1404
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Framelinešs Educational Distribution Program:
--Since 1981, the leading educational distributor solely dedicated to
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) film and video.
--More than 200 titles spanning every genre and more than 70 subject areas.
--A non-profit organization.
--Visit our website ( ) to browse our
collection. Subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter, the Frameline
Distribution Dispatch, at
***Check out our big VHS Clearance Sale going on NOW:

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite