Two Calls for Papers. Meilleurs voeux a tous et a toutes pour les fetes, de la part de l'equipe de Studies in French Cinema. 1. NECS. The Vienna Conference 2. CALL FOR PAPERS: “THE NEW WAVE AT 50” CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CIVILIZATION, SPECIAL ISSUE [FRENCH and ENGLISH] ********************************** NECS. The Vienna Conference Perspectives and Challenges for Cinema and Media Studies. Vienna, Austria June 21 - 23, 2007 Founded in February of 2006, NECS, the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, brings together scholars and researchers in the field of cinema, film and media studies with archivists and film and media professionals who share a common interest in academic film study and the preservation, distribution and programming of film and media art and the film heritage. The first NECS workshop held in Berlin on the occasion of the network’s founding provided an overview of the current state of cinema and media studies in Europe, taking stock of the respective situations in the various institutions (universities, archives, museums). Now the NECS Vienna conference, hosted by SYNEMA and the University of Vienna Department for Theatre, Film and Media Studies and scheduled to take place on 21-23 June 2007, provides a platform for developing new perspectives and future agendas for film study in Europe. With the new digital culture of the moving image in full swing, scholars, archivists and filmmakers alike need to reflect on the state of cinema and its future, as well as on the development of film studies at the tertiary education level in Europe. The conference will bring together contributions that provide insight into ongoing research with panels and roundtables on the state of the discipline and current issues in research, teaching, archiving, presenting and programming. The aim of the conference is to widen and sustain a burgeoning network of film and media scholars that will promote new research and teaching initiatives on a European level. Scholars from all areas of film study, whether previously attached to NECS or new to the initiative, are invited to submit proposals for contributions to the conference committee before January 31st, 2007. Confirmed keynote speakers include Prof. Tim Bergfelder, University of Southampton, UK; PD Dr. Elisabeth Büttner, University of Vienna. In order to provide a thematic framework, we propose a number of focal issues in the field of film study. Proposals for the NECS Vienna conference must not be limited to, but may concern any of the following topics: a. The impact of global media conglomeration on film cultures and film programming in Europe b. The digitization of film archives and its impact on the visibility and consumption of European films, in conjunction with the emergence of new interfaces of consumption (home entertainment, satellite channels, Video On Demand services); c. The transnationalisation of film cultures in Europe, both on the level of individual films and on an institutional level, i.e. in film festival and their surrounding critical discourses; d. European cinema aesthetics in the digital age and the future of auteur cinema in an environment of film styles driven by digital imaging and special effects. We would like to invite proposals for short, incisive papers of 15 to 20 minutes and/or panels by January 31st, 2007, to the following address: [log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask]) or NECS c/o Susanne von der Heyden Institut für Medienwissenschaft Ruhr-Universität Bochum Universitätsstraße 150 D-44780 Bochum Germany Notification will follow shortly thereafter. The conference language is English. Conference attendance is free. Participants will have to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. Travel information as well as a list of affordable hotels and other accommodations will be posted on the NECS website in early 2007. The conference will include a book exhibit with contributions from international publishers such as Wallflower Press, Berghahn publishers, SYNEMA books and others. Publishers interested in participating in the book exhibit should contact us via [log in to unmask] Detailed information on NECS and a report on the first workshop can be found at For the conference organizers: The NECS steering committee: Alexandra Schneider, Malte Hagener, Vinzenz Hediger, Patrick Vonderau SYNEMA – Society for the Theory of Film, Brigitte Mayr University of Vienna, Andrea Braidt and Anton Fuxjäger ********************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS: “THE NEW WAVE AT 50” _CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CIVILIZATION_, SPECIAL ISSUE ********************************************************** 2008 will see the 50th anniversary of the beginning of French cinema’s New Wave. From the New Wave’s inception, the films of the “Left Bank group” and _Cahiers du cinéma_ critics-turned-directors were celebrated for their radical contributions to cinematic aesthetics and technique. However, before it was applied to the work of these “young Turks,” the expression the “New Wave” was used above all to refer to the culture of French youth in the 1950s. Scholarship of recent years, in the United Kingdom, the United States and France, has thus engaged in a reevaluation of the cinematic new wave in the context of French cultural history. The purpose of this special issue of _Contemporary French Civilization_ is to take stock of the New Wave at 50 in the light of these “cultural studies” influenced trends, and to add to the scholarly approaches to this movement by considering it at once as a socio-historical phenomenon and as a diverse body of theoretical and aesthetic texts. We therefore welcome contributions from a variety of methodological approaches. For this special issue, we are seeking articles on, but not limited to, the following topics: • The cinematic “Nouvelle Vague” in the context of French history, arts, and popular culture of the 1950s and 60s (Nouveau Roman, decolonization, the Common Market, etc.); • New readings of New Wave films that focus on gender, class, nationalism, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.; • Variations in critical reception and theoretical import of New Wave cinema in different countries; the evolution of the New Wave’s influence over time; • The social stakes of representations of space in New Wave films; • Re-conceptualizations of auteur theory and the “politique des auteurs” in an age of globalized new media (You Tube, open source software and wikis); • New works by still-active New Wave directors (films, new meda art, installations, etc.); • The New Wave as trans-national cinema: its international roots (Italian neo- realism, Hollywood, etc.) and its various influences (cinemas of “Francophonie”, South America, Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.); • Citation and/or deployment of New Wave films in contemporary art and cinema, experimental cinema, “digitextuality”, and mass visual culture; • The relationship between the New Wave and the “New New Wave” (“le jeune cinema français”) debated since the 1990s; • Methodological and theoretical questions posed by the rise of cultural studies and its influence on scholarship of the New Wave. Articles should be approximately 20 pages, double spaced. Please submit as email attachment (Rich Text Format) by July 15, 2007 to: Ludovic Cortade at [log in to unmask] and Margaret C. Flinn at [log in to unmask] A printable pdf version of this call for papers is available at: ********************************************************** APPEL A CONTRIBUTION: LA “NOUVELLE VAGUE”, NUMERO SPECIAL DE _CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CIVILIZATION_ ********************************************************** 2008 marquera le 50e anniversaire des débuts de la « Nouvelle Vague ». Souvent influencés par les « études culturelles », les travaux publiés au cours de ces dernières années témoignent d’une volonté d’inscrire la « Nouvelle Vague » dans le contexte de l’histoire sociale et culturelle française. L’objectif de ce numéro spécial de _Contemporary French Civilization_ (Université de l’Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.) est de dresser un bilan des travaux récents consacrés à la « Nouvelle Vague » et de contribuer à la diversité des approches en considérant ce mouvement à la fois comme un phénomène historique, social, culturel et comme un objet esthétique et théorique. Nous voudrions réfléchir à l’apport respectif des «études culturelles » et de la théorie, ainsi qu’aux nouveaux champs de recherche qui viseraient à réunir ces deux approches. Pour ce numéro spécial de _Contemporary French Civilization_, nous recherchons des articles sur : • La « Nouvelle Vague » dans le contexte historique de la société française des années 1950 et 1960; • La relecture des films de la « Nouvelle Vague » à l’aune des études culturelles (genre, classe sociale, nation, ethnicité, orientation sexuelle) ; • La diversité et l’évolution des lectures critiques et théoriques des films de la « Nouvelle Vague » d’un pays et d’une époque à l’autre ; • Les enjeux sociaux et identitaires des représentations de l’espace dans les films de la « Nouvelle Vague » ; • La « politique des auteurs » par rapport aux questions posées par les nouvelles technologies à l’heure de la globalisation (production, diffusion, reception) ; • Les œuvres récentes réalisées par les cinéastes de la « Nouvelle Vague » (films, oeuvres multi-médias, installations); • La notion de cinéma « trans-national » mettant en valeur la diversité des origines esthétiques de la « Nouvelle Vague » (néo-réalisme italien, cinéma hollywoodien, cinéma allemand, etc.) ainsi que les influences exercées sur d’autres cinématographies (cinémas francophones, Amérique du Sud, Europe de l’Est, Hong-Kong, Taiwan, etc.) ; • Les citations et/ou les détournements des films de la « Nouvelle Vague » dans le cinéma et l’art contemporains, le cinéma expérimental, les nouveaux médias (« digitextualité ») et la culture visuelle de masse; • Le rapport entretenu à la « Nouvelle Vague » par le « jeune cinéma français » depuis les années 1990. • Les questions méthodologiques et théoriques posées par l’émergence des « études culturelles » dans les travaux portant sur la « Nouvelle Vague ». Veuillez soumettre les propositions d’article rédigé (20 pages maximum, espacement double, notes comprises) par courriel sous forme de fichier RTF avant le 15 juillet 2007 à: Ludovic CORTADE ([log in to unmask]) ET Margaret C. FLINN ([log in to unmask]) Contemporary French Civilization: -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by the NorMAN MailScanner Service and is believed to be clean. The NorMAN MailScanner Service is operated by Information Systems and Services, Newcastle University. ---- For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: