CFE: Student Film Competition $1000 First Prize; Deadline 2/22/2007

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Auburn University's Department of Communication & Journalism and
College of Liberals Arts  are pleased to announce the 2007 Movie Gallery
Student Video Competition and issue this Call for Entries.  Competition
is open to U.S. and International entries completed by students enrolled
in accredited colleges or universities for the College category, and
students enrolled in accredited high schools or equivalents for the High
School category. The maximum total running time allowed for entries is
15 minutes. There are no minimum length requirements. The entries should
not be more than 2 years old and cannot have been previously submitted
to the Movie Gallery Student Video Competition.

Deadline: Entries received by February 22, 2007
Entry Fee: $25.00 per entry

Category 1: College
First Place: $1000 (U.S.$)
Second Place: $600 (U.S.$)
Third Place: $275 (U.S.$)

Category 2: High School
First Place: $1000 (U.S.$)
Second Place: $600 (U.S.$)
Third Place: $275 (U.S.$)

Animation; Documentary (mini-documentaries, news, news features,
historical events, biographies, etc.); Abstract/Experimental (abstract
and experimental non-narrative films, music videos, poetry, dance,
dramatic readings, etc.); Short fictional stories; Political/Social

The competition is now in its 10th exciting year.  Go to for information,
rules, and
entry forms.

For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: