An interesting pedagogical discussion popped up on Slashdot (a discussion
forum that focuses on tech news) yesterday.

A user posted the question, "If lecture podcasts are available, will
students skip class?"  The ensuing discussion -- mostly from college
students -- had little in it about podcasts, but, rather, debated whether or
not attendance is beneficial or necessary.  For me, it was an interesting
glimpse into how students view professors and the lecture process.


Podcasts of University Lectures?
Posted by Cliff on Monday September 04, @09:09PM
from the not-a-bad-idea dept.

theslashdot asks: "I'm working at a major university in the US, and have
been charged with posting pod-casts of class lectures on the internet. The
problem is whether or not posting the videos would allow students to skip
class and just download the lecture, instead. I guess the problem is trying
to strike the right balance between allowing good students to take advantage
of this resource, but discourage bad students from staying at home all the
time and watching all the lectures right before the exam. So what methods
can be used to provide these pod-casts for the students who actually
attended class? In terms of when the lecture should be posted, what would be
a good time-frame? Immediately after the class? 24 hours? One week? One
class behind schedule?"

Jeremy Butler

Professor - TCF Dept. - U Alabama

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