Finnish Film Archive and Finnish Board of Film Classification have launched a new webservice called ELONET.

	ELONET is a platform for free-of charge information regarding both Finnish films and foreign films distributed in Finland.

	ELONET has approximately 150 000 films, 210 000 persons and 130 000 production companies on its database. 
	The Finnish Board of Film Classification has provided information through years 1962-2006; the Finnish Film Archive's input deals with the whole range of film history. 
	Synopses, photos, posters and other additional material will be added to this service later. 

	Service can be used in 
	English <blocked::>  
	Finnish <> 
	or Swedish <blocked::>  
	For further information contact: Finnish Film Archive / Tapio Riihimäki ([log in to unmask]).

Best regards,
Timo Matoniemi,
Finnish Film Archive

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