On a Macintosh I have used an application called USB Vision Capture and a
Belkin USB Video Bus  device connected to the video player. The results
are acceptable if nothing better is available but quality is some way
below a grab from a DVD. I've no idea how up to date this method is.
Knowing my general state of technical awareness, I'm probably rather
behind the times.

Good luck


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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> dear folks
> what is the latest technology for a private researcher to download images
> from a vhs tape? i checked with the screen-l archive, and there are
> suggestions that are 3 years old. is there anything available nowadays
> that
> is relatively affordable and high quality? the ultimate goal is to have
> publishable quality stills to accompany a manuscript
> thanks
> ken harrow
> Kenneth W. Harrow
> Professor of English
> Michigan State University
> [log in to unmask]
> 517 353-7243
> fax 353 3755
> ----
> Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
> University of Alabama: http://www.tcf.ua.edu

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