Dear SCREEN-L members - (1) I think I've already indicated here that the Alfred Hitchcock Scholars/'MacGuffin' website has lately launched its Academic Hitchcock page with three exciting contributions from, respectively, Prof. Murray Pomerance, Prof. Richard Allen, and Dr Theodore Price. What I'd now welcome are expressions of interest for further contributions to this feature. Pieces should be well-written and Hitchcock-related. The Index page for the website is: (2) May I take this opportunity to mention that a long profile by me of Alfred Hitchcock and his work has now appeared online in the 'Senses of Cinema' Great Directors section. Prof. Tony Williams calls it 'a definitive profile in its own right and worthy of frequent consultation'. My editor was equally kind: 'I think it is an enthralling essay: beautifully written, loving in tone ...' Here's the URL: Thanks - Ken Mogg (Ed., 'The MacGuffin') ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite