Hi Sharon and Aaron;
Technically speaking, this would be rather easy. There would have to be
some administrative host , some decisions made on moderation features, a
clear audience, and subsequent "marketing."

I'd be glad to explore the technical part, if there is sufficient interest.

Troy Davis
Univ. of Tennessee

> Aaron,
> I would be interested in being part of a list targeting film studies
> instructors.
> Thanks for making the suggestion and posing the questions--how does
> such a list get started?
> Sharon Zuber
> College of William and Mary
> English and Film Studies
> At 07:38 PM 7/7/2005, you wrote:
>>Does anyone know of mailing lists or discussion forums targeted at
>>film studies instructors? I have come across many on-line syllabi,
>>but have not found any dedicated discussion groups.
>>It would be nice to talk with colleagues around the world about
>>issues that come up when designing a film studies course. For
>>example, these are some of the issues that might be discussed on such a
>> list:
>>    + What textbooks are people using and *why* are they using these
>> books?
>>    + What are the best film clips for demonstrating key concepts?
>>    + How many films can one show in a single semester without
>> overloading students?
>>    + How have students responded to the works of Director X or Director
>> Y?
>>    + Are undergraduates capable of meaningful engagement with hyper
>> theoretical writings about film?
>>    + Do fair use guidelines allow us to show DVD versions of
>> classic films to our students?
>>    + What steps are instructors taking to diversify the cinematic canon?
>>    + How do instructors handle evening viewing sessions?
>>It would be great to have a many-to-many communication channel for
>>addressing these types of topics. If such a forum does not already
>>exist, would it be worthwhile to create one?
>>Aaron Delwiche
>>Assistant Professor
>>Department of Communication
>>Trinity University (Texas)
>>Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
>>University of Alabama: http://www.tcf.ua.edu
> ----
> Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
> http://www.ScreenSite.org

M.Troy Davis
University Libraries | University of Tennessee
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