Invisible Culture, Issue 8: Please Post (apologies for cross postings) The editors of _Invisible Culture_ are pleased to announce the release of ISSUE 8: THE LOOP AS A TEMPORAL FORM Edited by Margot Bouman Available online at: The common-sense formulation of time understands it as a progression forward from moment to moment to moment, with a clear division of past, present and future. Articles in this issue by Miriam Bankovsky, Greg Hainge, Jaimey Hamilton, Alanna Thain, Eric Sonstroem as well as Nicolas Dulac and André Gaudreault demonstrate otherwise. They show how the loop, as a temporal form, functions either as a closed cycle, or a form that while apparently repeating itself is always differentiated. As such its length may be chosen by the participant, produce catharsis, evoke a dreamlike state, mimic everyday life, or all of the above. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari describe a loop folding back on itself, while not returning to its place of origin. Jacques Derrida uses this failure of origins to structure a system of ethics grounded in the elusion of the eternal return of the same. While Deleuze, Guattari and Derrida insist on this failure in their use of the loop as a temporal form, Sigmund Freud understands time in terms of telos, and the failure to reach this ultimate object or aim through the obsessive return to a previous moment. Both formulations of the loop are at work in this issue. In addition to using work done within psychoanalytic theory and philosophy, articles in this issue demonstrate how use of the loop as a temporal form has surfaced repeatedly in work by musicians such as Phil Niblock, filmmakers such as David Lynch, artists such as Paul Pfeiffer, proto-filmic forms such as the phenakistoscope, and ongoing public projects such as the AIDS quilt. The loop here becomes an act of editing that involves the telling and retelling of a narrative. Thus, as a form, the loop potentially sets in motion patterns that reconfigure the boundaries of space, time and perception within the work. The work of art, psychoanalytic theory and philosophy are not the only sites where the loop emerges. The participant in a loop also modifies its form by choosing to (or not) let the (potentially) perpetual story unfold, either viewing the unresolvedness as an end in itself, or waiting for the cathartic moment to return again and again. Issue designed and uploaded by Catherine Zuromskis, Lucy Dane Curzon and Aviva Dove-Viebahn. For information on upcoming calls for papers, or a list of books available for review, visit and click on Submissions. ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]