Creative Commons is a service/Website that helps you generate copyright licenses that grant/restrict exactly the rights you want. E.g., we use this license for ScreenSite: They also advocate for fair use of found footage. They sponsored a contest recently (see below) for movies that express their objectives. It's too late to enter now, but the first-place winner is a very cool use of found footage. I recommend showing it to students (1) to show what can be done with material like this and (2) to introduce them to Creative Commons for possible use of its licenses on their own work. The contest winners: "Building on the Past" is particularly cool. -- CC contest -- WHAT: Create, or mash-up, a moving image that explains Creative Commons mission, using your favorite moving image authoring tool, such as Flash, iMovie, or Final Cut Pro. Entries can contain video, animated images, text, and audio. We welcome and encourage the use of other people's work, provided that you have permission or the work is Creative Commons-licensed or public domain. The entry should be 2 minutes or less. All entries must be licensed under a Creative Commons license of your choosing by time of entry. -- Jeremy Butler Television: Critical Methods and Applications ScreenSite ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama: