C-SPAN 2 for Saturday, 17 January, 2004.  Eastern Time.

11:31 am
2:00 (est.)Forum
Film and History
American Historical Association
Peter Rollins , Film and History: An Interdisciplinary Journal
William Bushong , White House Historical Association

Above is the entry for C-SPAN 2.  See the C-SPAN schedule for
more details about the speakers and several pics from the session.
(See C-SPAN.ORG.  Click on TV Schedules.  Click on Saturday.
Click on title of panel for stills and summary of content. )

Should you miss this broadcast, not to worry;  there will be subsequent
broadcasts, we assume and the C-SPAN Archive will sell the two-hour
session.  Portrayal of the Presidency in Film is tape # 179862.

Peter Rollins

For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: