in all this discussion, the emphasis has been on the technology, outside of the cultural and social context. in africa, the area with which i am most familiar, celluloid is dying because of the costs. what i mean is, in country after country movie theatres are closing down, the equipment is going or has gone unrepaired so long as to be beyond repair and the costs are now prohibitive. the same issue, costs, has slowed down or absolutely killed the celluloid film industry in country after country. celluloid film in africa was born with the commonly accepted belief that it should serve the needs of the newly independent nations, and so tended towards the didactic, and was almost always socially committed, relevant, etc. perhaps that somewhat limited its audience appeal, and because of costs it was dependent upon many foreign or government sponsors for production. all that started to change when the first nigerians and then ghanaians dared to pick up a video camera, and even without training began to turn films with their friends. they created an astonishing industry in the past ten years, with more video films being produced and exhibited in nigeria in one year (over a thousand) than in all the history of celluloid film in africa. these are popular films, not socially relevant or high culture films; they are filled with scenes involving magic, romance, killing, etc., and can be made in a week or two on a shoestring budget. they are hawked off the backs of trucks, shown in local parlors, and have responded to the audience's expectations so successfully as to be wildly popular. in short, digital has saved film in africa. it seems to me that it is largely the future, the only future, for african film, and i would guess that this will be true for other regions in the world where people can't afford to spend tens of millions of dollars, and have to respond to the commercial exegencies that that entails. i hope that this example demonstrates how inadequate a discussion on purely technical grounds would be, is, for most of the world ken harrow ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]