Dear Friends,

The Film & History web site has been revamped entirely and
now has a number of research files within it, files which will be
further enhanced over the next month.

The entire TOC since 1970 is available and is word-searchable!
This tool will help you identify one or two articles which might
make the difference in your research.

We are slowly uploading all book reviews since 1970 and will
not be finished until October.  This cache will also be word-searchable.

See our conference information on the site.  Next one is a year off and
is on War in Film and TV.

Of course subscription information and past-issue purchase information
is on the site.  It is possible to subscribe via PAYPAL, although some of us
older scholars have trouble with that stuff!

In any case, check out the "new and improved" web site for
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies

<A HREF=""></A>

Cinematically and Historically yours,

Peter Rollins,  Editor
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